FPS: 20 I don't own the show or song! Lyrics: ERIC: Well… KYLE: [spoken] Don't do it, Cartman. ERIC: Well… KYLE: [spoken] I'm warning you! ERIC: [spoken] Okay, okay. KYLE: [spoken] I'm gettin' pretty sick of him calling my mom a- ERIC: Well! Kyle's mom's a bitch She's a big, fat bitch She's the biggest bitch in the whole, wide world She's a stupid bitch If there ever was a bitch She's a bitch to all the boys, and girls KYLE: [spoken] Shut your fucking mouth, Cartman! ERIC: On Monday, she's a bitch On Tuesday, she's a bitch On Wednesday through Saturday, she's a bitch Then, on Sundays, just to be different, she's a Super King Kamehameha Biatch! ERIC: [spoken] Come on! You all know the words! ERIC: Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole, wide world She's a mean old bitch, and she has stupid hair (La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la) She's a bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch! Bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch (Bitch! Bitch! Bitch! Bitch!) She's a stupid bitch (Whew!) Kyle's mom's a bitch, and she's such a dirty bitch (Stupid bitch! Because she's such a dirty bitch, bitch!) ERIC: [spoken] Talk to kids around the world, it might go a little bit something like this! CHINESE GIRLS: Kyle de mama shige pofu ta shi ji lao mishu dashi, wo zhi xhang shuo mole bei ta bian pofu ENGLISH: Kyle's mom is a shrew, she's a gay secretary master, I just wanna say in the end she turns into a shrew FRENCH GIRLS: La mere de Kyle est une pute, est une sacrée vielle pute, la plu grand pute du monde entier ENGLISH: Kyle's mom is a whore, and is one hell of a bitch, she's the biggest whore in the whole, wide world DUTCH GIRLS: Kyle's moeder is een teef, ze is een grote fout te teef, ze grote teef ter ver reld, teef ter ver reld ENGLISH: Kyle's mom is a bitch, she was a big mistake of a bitch, she's the biggest bitch in the world, bitch in the world! SWAHILI MEN: Mama yake Kyle ni mbwa mkubwa ndiye ni mbwa mkubwa kuliko wote duniani hii ENGLISH: Kyle's mom is a big, fat dog, she's the biggest dog in the whole, wide world ERIC: Have you ever met my friend Kyle's mom? She's the biggest bitch in the whole, wide world She's a mean old bitch, and she has stupid hair (La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la) She's a bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch! (Ohh!) Bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch-bitch She's a stupid bitch (Uhh, Cartman?) Kyle's mom's a bitch, and she's such a dirty bitch ERIC: I really mean it, Kyle's mom She's a big, fat, fucking bitch Big, old, fat, fucking bitch, Kyle's mom Yeah Cha ERIC: [spoken] What? [He turns around.] ERIC: [spoken] Ohh, fuck.